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Ключевые слова: magnetic shielding

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Characterisation of superconducting capillaries for magnetic shielding of twisted-wire pairs in a neutron electric dipole moment experiment

Ключевые слова: magnetic shielding, LTS, NbTi, squid, measurement setup

Magnetic shielding properties of high- Tc superconducting hollow cylinders: model combining experimental data for axial and transverse magnetic field configurations

Preparation and characterization of YBa2Cu3O7-x thick films deposited on silver substrates by the electrophoretic deposition technique for magnetic screening applications

Characterisation of the magnetic shielding properties of YBaCuO thick films prepared by electrophoretic deposition on silver substrates

Fukuoka K.(kfukuoka@uitec.ac.jp), Hashimoto M.

High frequency characteristics of magnetic shielding type transformer using plural bulk superconductors

Физические предпосылки применения сверхпроводников в импульсной энергетике микросекундного диапазона

Ichikawa M.(michi@criepi.denken.or.jp), Kado H.(kado@criepi.denken.or.jp), Shibuya M.(shibuya@criepi.denken.or.jp), Matsumura T.(matsumura@nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp)

Inductive type fault current limiter with Bi-2223 thick film on a MgO cylinder

Nishizawa C., Onishi T., Sasaki K.(ksasaki@eng.hokudai.ac.jp)

Test results and analysis of current limiting characteristics in conduction cooled Bi2223 fault current limiter

Zhang G.(zhanggqi@tsinghua.edu.cn), Wang Z.(wzj@mail.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn), Qiu M.(qiuming@mail.iee.ac.cn)

The improved magnetic shield type high Tc superconducting fault current limiter and the transient characteristic simulation

Masson P.(Philippe.Masson@green.uhp-nancy.fr), Leveque J., Netter D.(Denis.Netter@green.uhp-nancy.fr), Rezzoug A.(Abderrezak.Rezzoug@green.uhp-nancy.fr)

Experimental study of a new kind of superconducting inductor

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